Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How To Put On Weight

Are you stuck on your mission to put on weight? Are you tired of these magazines and commercials telling you to buy different supplements? Do you want to learn how to put on weight naturally?

There are a few things you must know when learning how to put on weight naturally. The first thing is to remember that it is important to maintain good eating habits. What I mean by good eating habits, is eating food that will benefit your muscle growth or you putting on weight. Foods such as pasta which contain carbohydrates and fish which contains protein. There are many other foods you can have, those are just examples. Another important thing to remember is rest. Many people overlook the fact that you need rest. In order for your muscles to heal from the workout, you have to take at least a day off from working that muscle. So if you work out your upper body one day, then the next day you can work out your lower body to give your upper body rest.

Through personal experiences I have discovered that there are a few myths about putting on weight you should know about. The first myth is that you need some kind of supplement to put on weight. That is NOT true. You can put on just as much weight without any supplements as you would with supplements. Another myth about putting on weight is that you must follow extreme bodybuilding workouts. This once again is NOT true. In order to put on weight with the proper workouts it's all about taking your time and going at your own pace. Don't go with weights you know you can't handle. Start off with something light and then work your way up and if you follow your diet you should see significant results.

Well what workouts should I do? That brings me to the last and most important thing is the workout plan you have set for putting on weight. There are many scams and supplements out there that claim to help you put on weight but don't really work. What I advise you to do use the guide that people are putting 10 pounds of pure muscle from, Vince Delmonte Fitness.

As released in recent breakthroughs in science, Vince Delmonte Fitness contains techniques that will putting pure muscle weight NATURALLY in no time. It's the best fitness guide with the most up to date techniques that has people putting on 20 pounds of pure muscle while losing 10% body fat! Click Here read the full story!